AutoMAT 5000高精度,稳定,易用光电自准直仪
automat 5000是精度、稳定性和易用性达到完美结合的新一代光电自典型应用(applications)准直仪系列产品,是精密机械制造和精密光学装配环节的理想角度测量仪器。系列产品采用自主设计的高解像力成像物镜、稳定可靠的光机部件和全数字电路应用技术相融合,每一台仪器都经过严格的调校和校准,均可确保出厂技术指标和精度可溯源性。
型号 order number |
5000u-3050 |
5000uh-3050 |
物镜焦距(focal length) |
300mm |
300mm |
物镜口径(lens diameter) |
50mm(na.=90%) |
50mm(na.=90%) |
光源类型(light source) |
大功率半导体光源led light source(中心波长λ=630nm) |
探测器(sensors) |
两个科学级高分辨率探测器(high resolution linear sensors) |
目镜(viewfinder) |
软件显示的大视野电子目镜(electronic viewfinder with software crosshair) |
测量频响(measuring frequency) |
25hz typ. |
25hz typ. |
接口(interface) |
usb2.0high speed interface |
usb2.0high speed interface |
测量距离(measuring distance) |
25米(25metermax.) |
10米(10metermax.) |
Zui大读数视场(measuring range)[1] |
4000〞(arc sec.角秒) |
2400〞(arc sec.角秒) |
分辨率(resolution) |
0.1〞(arc sec.角秒) |
0.01〞(arc sec.角秒) |
精度(accuracy) |
±100’’(arc sec.角秒) |
±0.2〞(arc sec.角秒) |
±0.1〞(arc sec.角秒) |
±1000’’(arc sec.角秒) |
±0.5〞(arc sec.角秒) |
±0.25〞(arc sec.角秒) |
重复性(repeatability) |
0.05〞(arc sec.角秒) |
0.05〞(arc sec.角秒) |
尺寸及重量(dimensions/weight)[2] |
405mm(l)×84mm(w) ×110mm(h)/4.6kg |
[1] 超过2米的长距离测量时,读数视场会随距离的增加而相应降低(for longer measuring distance, the measuring range will deducted as the distance increase);
[2] 不包含底座(holder not included);
1、0.1角秒中心测角精度(0.1 arc sec accuracy);
2、xy双轴同时测量(dual-axis measurements);
3、大视野电子目镜(expanded large-field electronic viewfinder);
4、科学级高分辨率ccd传感器(high resolutionccd sensors);
5、长寿命led光源(led light sources);
6、便携式显示控制器(compact display unit);
7、全数字信号处理(digital image processing technology);
8、即插即用usb接口(usb 2.0 hi g h s peed interface);
9、丰富的测量配附件(rich accessories);
1、精密机械安装定位(alignment of machinery);
2、机械产品直线度、平面度、垂直度、平行度等精度保障(proof for straightness, flatness,parallelism of rails, tables and linear stage etc.);
3、精密旋转台检测(rotary table measurement);
4、航空航天(alignment of astronomical system);
5、光学产品装配及调整(assembly and adjustment of optical components like mirrors, prisms, windows,wedges etc.);
6、物理及光学实验室(alignment of components for the beam control in high energy physics);